Congratulations to the new Front End Engineers

On Friday, Nov 14, we held our Demo Day event to celebrate the end of our latest Front End Engineering class in Greenville. This is the fifth cohort of Front End Engineering and we’re so proud of all the students and what they have accomplished.

On Demo Day, while the presentations are about a final project, the real key is the personal story. It’s a chance to showcase what the students have learned and the technologies they have used. They are all problem solvers, and more than a specific language or library, they are able to adapt and evolve to continue learning along with the industry. They have overcome a huge number of mental and emotional hurdles during our program, and this is the day to step back and celebrate the completion of that initial stage of their journeys. 

After the demos, the class got together for a graduation dinner at one of our favorite local hangouts. We took turns talking about the experience and joked around, taking advantage of our last scheduled event as a group. With the weekend ahead and many heading out of town, some of the students got together for breakfast the next day and a movie the following night. Decompression after 12 challenging weeks, but also enjoying the amazing friendships created through such an experience.

While there are still many job placement activities ahead as the graduates move into their new careers, it was great to just take a moment to savor the accomplishment and dream of all the future possibilities!

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The Iron Yard exists to create exceptional growth and mentorship for people, their companies and their ideas through code education and startup accelerators.